Last Chance Senior Portraits | Salem, Oregon


Just wanted to let you all know I’m still alive & *gasp* walking! Yaaay!

Oh, & to share a few photos of a recent session. Soooo can we just stop for a minute & take a look at this girl? Seriously! Not only is she SO pretty, but she is also hilarious & such a trooper for taking on the conditions we had to work with.

This girl braved the cold & potential downpour to stand at the top of a hill in Salem, Oregon & fight the wind & still looked stunning.

We did have to change directions, switch spots, constantly get the hair out of her face & mouth, we even went back inside to warm up with some tea, but we got it done with lots of smiles lol!

If you or someone you know still needs to have their Senior Photos done in the next couple of weeks, I have some slots available!

If you’re not worried about deadlines & whatnot, we can schedule a session at a later date that works for you, just let me know!


Your kids are only high school Seniors once (hopefully lol), commemorating this milestone is a must.

  • I keep my prices low for reasons like this! I know some peeps can’t shell out $400+ for a few senior photos to submit to the yearbook or have projected at graduation. If you can only afford a mini, that’s ok! That is more than enough images! If you want to spring for the full session, awesome! I will make our time together worth it, either way!

To wrap up, if you need to get yours done, book soon!

If you know someone who needs to get on it, sharing is caring, my friends!

Share this sucker all over the place!

I hope to be in contact with you soon,


Jefferson & Salem, Oregon Photographer

J & Six Photography

• Wife • Mama • Photographer • Creative • Artist

It's me, the tiny blonde lady, hootin' & hollerin' from behind the camera, ready to take your photos!

Photography is my passion & I love capturng stories in images!

End of the Year Sale is Live!


Life Update | Jefferson, Oregon