“I am me, nothing more, nothing less, and that is enough.”
- Harpreet M. Dayal
Hey there!
Jenn here - the J of J + Six
Ever since I was little, I have loved pictures. I am that lady that will walk all around your house looking at all your photos,even if I don’t know the people in the photographs; those people and memories mean something to someone and I love that. I absolutely love seeing moments in time that people cherish and I love being someone that gets to be behind the camera!
Seriously, when I’m in the car I will look around at everything I can & think, ‘That would be a cool picture’ or ‘Omg, that’s so pretty!’ My husband can tell you that I probably say that the ‘Sky looks so cool’ almost every day. Literally that often, not even kidding.
Born and raised in Salem, Oregon, I am in love with the Pacific Northwest. It is my home and I talk about it whenever I can. I am silly and loud and have a huge smile! I love to laugh and have about a zillion expressions. I love LOVE, adventures, everything about babies, and all things life.
Mother-Daughter Team
My oldest daughter Cheyenne became my assistant and second shooter a couple years ago when she was just 12 and it has been one of the greatest blessings. She has a great eye and is honing her skills while shadowing me. We are able to spend time together and she is learning the ins and outs of running a business.
She usually does weddings and other events with me, but also comes along to smaller sessions when she can, so you might see her at your session! She is dual enrolled through an online highschool, as well as, Portland Community College where she’s working on her Assosicate Transfer Degree at only 15 years old!
Five of the most important people in my life call me “Mom”. Yeah, you read it right, I have FIVE kids. The spread is one boy + FOUR girls, 11 years between the oldest to the youngest. We definitely have our hands full with all the sports, music, church activities, and buying SO much food - but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Honestly, I think God put me on this earth to be a mom. I longed for it & I love it, He gave me such beautiful, amazing kids to raise up. I love watching them grow and learn and holy cow do they make me laugh every. single. day! So I know how kids can be, from babies to teenagers, I have lived through AND photographed every season of their awesomeness
(and let’s face it, not-so-awesome phases)
We met when we were 12 -in middle school- and I basically instantly fell in love with him. I knew from that point on I would marry him and have lots of kids and I know that sounds SO crazy, but that’s exactly what we did! I’ve been told before that our love story would make for a cute teenage rom-com lol
He is honestly the best thing that has happened to me and I don’t know what I would do without him. From making me coffee every. single. morning. to taking care of me when I’m sick, to being the only one working while I stayed at home with our babies; he is the man who has my whole entire heart!
My husband is my person and my soulmate.
Being a little weird is just a natural side-effect of being awesome. - Sue Fitzmaurice
-Eccentric + Authentic-
You guys,
I am all about being real, like, the reeealist, and maybe a little bit weird -ok, a lot bit- but what you see is what you get! I wear my emotions on my face and if something pulls at my heart strings, I will most definitely cry. I’m sensitive, okay?!
I am a people watcher - I just love seeing how people do things; their quirks (Lord knows I have about a million of those), what makes their faces light up, and how they interact with others.
I am a sucker for desserts, dad jokes and puns, and allll the cheesy Christmas movies any time of year.
Oh and I call everyone dude - sorry, not sorry!
I hope you feel like you know me a little better, I can’t wait to get to know you!
Take a peek at my family!