Summer Morning Family Session | Salem, Oregon

Hey there, it’s been a minute!

For those of you that don’t know, I have 5 kids with my husband, which is a “big family” right? Right. I am also from a big family (I have 7 siblings). BUT I still see people out in public with their million kids in tow behind them & I’m like, “Holy cow, that’s a lot of kids!” lol. I admit it, I can’t help it! I’m pretty sure every. single. one of us has done that, am I right?

Ok, so I have a soft spot for big families with tons of kids because I am that mom. & I’m totes not patting myself on the back here, but it definitely takes a special kind of person to be a parent to alllll those different personalities in those tiny, ever-changing-bodies!

Kudos to all the parents out there, & to those with a zillion kids -

I see you. I feel you. I am you.

& you’re doing great.

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(e.g. the Eschler Family)

Here we have Joanna & Albert (who are just the sweetest couple, btw). They have been together over a decade & have 5 kids together, from 11 all the way down to 2 years old!

During our session, Albert was calling the kids over & actually went down the list of all the kids’ names at record speed. I just sat there like, “Dude, I don’t even have my kid’s names down like that!”

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Fun Fact: This family had never been to Minto Brown Park before!

Crazy right?!

I thought everyone that lives in Salem & surrounding areas had been here. Apparently not! Anyway, I think it’s cool when I get to show people a new location like this that they can continue to enjoy. Minto-Brown is HUGE, if you haven’t been there, I highly suggest it! There are so. many. things to do & sooooo many trails. We are here all the time with our own kids or doing photo sessions all the time & we still haven’t explored it all!

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So, we did a little exploring together-

Well, mostly the kids.

They found all kinds of things- sticks, flowers, rocks, & even more flowers! & even though it was 10 in the morning, this little man liked to point out all the people riding bikes & the doggies. It was adorable, his face would just light up! I’m pretty sure he handed me like 12 different sticks & a tiny bouquet of flowers- I’m a lucky gal, lol. I love it!

If we have a session together & you have a toddler, you can bet that I will pick them up & walk with them, whisper things to them to get them to smile, & my absolute faaaavorite is holding their hand when we are walking to a different location. Oh! & hugs. I love big hugs from tiny humans!!

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This is probably one of my favorites.

Look at these happy parents, with their kids in the background just doing whatever, lol!

I’m so glad this session wasn’t super stressful. I mean other than the missing shoe before they got there, then the attack of the allergies for the oldest kid. Poor guy, his eyes & nose were running, he could barely function, but they all made it!

Even at the end when the session was wrapping up, Albert was like, “That’s it?!” haha! YUP!

I’m a mom, I know that these things can be stressful, so I really try to make it as quick & painless as possible. Keep moving & keep those little ones distracted!

Omg, you guys, Isn’t this the sweetest?Also, Joanna came to the session with a little something special to show off! *Btw-I am all for special props & surprises during sessions!I am so excited to show you all her super-special, awwww-inducing, prop she brought! So, here goes:

Omg, you guys,

Isn’t this the sweetest?

Also, Joanna came to the session with a little something special to show off!

*Btw-I am all for special props & surprises during sessions!

I am so excited to show you all her super-special, awwww-inducing, prop she brought!

So, here goes:

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sweet peas

Jk, jk, I have no idea if she loves them or not!

Keep scrolling!

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That’s right!

Baby # 6 is on the way!!

Just look at her face! That’s the face of an excited mama!

Even though she’s still in the first trimester & battling the all-day-feeling-like-crap-ness (almost done though), she looks amazing right?!

Little one is due Jan, 23rd 2022!

& I can’t wait to find out if the boys will continue to tip the scales in their little family or if a little woman will even them out!

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Joanna & Albert-

Congrats on loving each other so much that you decided to add to your already big family!!

Jk, but seriously, I love babies, they love babies, we all love babies! & I’m super excited to know some peeps that are having babies!

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this special announcement & exciting time in your life!

Ok, now you all can go & blow up their phones with texts & comments telling them congrats!

If you ever need photos for basically anything, let me know!

With all the love,


Jefferson & Salem, Oregon Photographer

J & Six Photography

• Wife • Mama • Photographer • Creative • Artist

It's me, the tiny blonde lady, hootin' & hollerin' from behind the camera, ready to take your photos!

Photography is my passion & I love capturng stories in images!

Life Update | Jefferson, Oregon


A Special Father’s Day Newborn Session | Salem, Oregon